Prenatal vitamins, or at least folic acid
OPK test sticks
Clearblue Fertility monitor
Zestica fertility lubricant
Instead softcups
oral medicine syringe 10 ml
Clearblue easy pregnancy tests
First Response pregnancy tests
The first thing we used were Ovulation Prediction pee sticks, (OPK). We used the Clearblue Easy ones and they worked okay. If you're cycle is really regular then you can easily determine your ovulation day. My cycle wasn't that regular so we invested in the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor which I actually preferred using, though it'll cost you around $80. It's easy to use and very reliable. If I had stuck to just charting my cervical mucus and using the OPK sticks, I would have misjudged my O day by a week, so I'm really glad I got the monitor.
Zestica is a really great fertility friendly lubricant. It claims to create a sperm friendly environment which allows them to swim better and live longer, which drastically increases your odds of conceiving. The instead soft cups serve two purposes: First as a receptacle for your known donor to make his deposit, secondly to keep those swimmers in place after you have inseminated. It works a bit like a cervical cap- and while your free to do headstands if you wish, I found it more comfortable to just squat so my cervix was dipping into the instead cup pool!
Now the last two things on the list- pregnancy tests. Why do you need two? Simple, to double check yourself. Either way, I want to be able to have a second opinion via a different brand of test. We bought tests that had two to a pack, just incase we wanted to test 4 times. :)
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